Discover GROOV - Phuket's latest gastro bar sensation.

Every bite is a journey, every sip a new story

Discover Phuket's newest gastrobar sensation, where every bite is a journey, every sip a new story. Immerse in unique cocktails and curated music, surrounded by art-inspired decor. Dive into an ambiance meticulously crafted for unforgettable moments. At Groov, you’re not just a guest; you’re part of our journey.


Discover GROOV - Phuket's latest gastro bar sensation. Rawai Phuket Eat and Drink Pub 695Discover GROOV - Phuket's latest gastro bar sensation. Rawai Phuket Eat and Drink Pub 156Discover GROOV - Phuket's latest gastro bar sensation. Rawai Phuket Eat and Drink Pub 217Discover GROOV - Phuket's latest gastro bar sensation. Rawai Phuket Eat and Drink Pub 903Discover GROOV - Phuket's latest gastro bar sensation. Rawai Phuket Eat and Drink Pub 322Discover GROOV - Phuket's latest gastro bar sensation. Rawai Phuket Eat and Drink Pub 088Discover GROOV - Phuket's latest gastro bar sensation. Rawai Phuket Eat and Drink Pub 834Discover GROOV - Phuket's latest gastro bar sensation. Rawai Phuket Eat and Drink Pub 097


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